These few days has really been hectic. 2 tests tmr and one on weds. Cant wait for the hols to come. So on friday there was a Campus Care Network Day and everyone had to do something so my class decided to sell cupcakes. So we broke up into groups to make the cupcakes so that we bake faster. Me, jonathan and adam went to mathew's house to make the cupcakes. It was damn fun making cupcakes coz my group didnt have any measuring cups and stuff so we just threw the ingredients in and hoped that it was in the correct amount. But the cupcakes ended up tasting pretty darn good hahahaha. And when friday came, we sold all the cupcakes! Well tnx to the harder working people in my class la ahaha. I just went arnd school with kevin to show our poster and shout like some idiot lol. Here are some picts! Thats some of my classmates.
And i stayed overnite at ECP yesterday for orientation camp gathering. Will talk about it more next time. I need to study. But I dont want to.hahaha
Gah have loads of projects to do and i havent started on any. My time management still sucks i guess. Well have to buck up or i'll really suffer in the coming years.
Aniways i didnt gt through the second trials for rock-climbing and im really disappointed about it. It was the only CCA that i really wanted to get in. Well, not all things goes as planned. But i got into floorball. Training would be hard from what the captn said coz this is the first batch of a new team and stuff. Dont know if i wanna stay. I have a bad feeling about it. I'll just give it a shot.
Well i guess i dont have much of them. None to be exact?